Not Receiving Interviews?
You come across a want ad in the paper, you do the usual routine of emailing or faxing your resume to them. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, and yet there is not any response at all. You make sure that the email or fax number was right, and you pound your head on the table out of frustration.
It was not the number, it was not the email address. It was your resume.
Do not blame yourself. You would not fix the cable if the cable goes out, or fix your transmission in your car yourself. You would call the experts. Resumes are no different. Resumes require professional resume writers.
Aren't there resume builders and templates for that?
Yes, there are, however what they do not tall you is that these builders are missing the two key ingredients: Your Personality, and the Proper Format for your profession.
That is right each profession, as well as career level is comprised of a required format for each one. Employers are looking for these factors. The average employer will spend only 10 seconds reviewing a resume. If your resume is not in that format, and does not specify certain keywords they are looking for, the employer will overlook it.
Because Time Is Money...
And your future is money as well.
Do not throw away your future earnings on free builders. Invest it instead. Contact a resume service company today.
You deserve a bright future and the career you want. The future is yours. Chat live with us today. Let us help you on the road to success.
Christopher Biggar, Chief Resume Writer
WDL Resume Services